Malala (16) hier te zien in ‘College Tour’

Met gevaar voor eigen leven is ze vastbesloten haar missie te volbrengen: onderwijs voor alle kinderen, over de hele wereld.

Het Pakistaanse meisje Malala Yousafzai is met haar 16 jaar een boegbeeld in de strijd voor onderwijs, ondanks of juist dankzij het feit dat ze een moordaanslag door de Taliban overleefde…….

Inmiddels is Malala een icoon. De Pakistaanse wordt overal voorgedragen voor grote (internationale) prijzen. Zo werd ze in 2011 genomineerd voor de Internationale Kindervredesprijs en kreeg ze datzelfde jaar de National Youth Prize in Pakistan.

Later werd deze prijs zelfs vernoemd naar Malala: de National Malala Peace Prize. Op 29 april 2013 wordt Malala door Time Magazine geëerd met een plek op de lijst van 100 meest invloedrijke mensen ter wereld. Tevens wordt ze dit jaar genomineerd voor de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede, een petitie op internet die dit ondersteunt had op 5 december 2012 al meer dan 250 duizend steunbetuigingen.

Naast de tal van kleinere prijzen die zijn toegekend aan Malala, wordt op 6 september 2013 de Internationale Kindervredesprijs toegekend aan de Pakistaanse.

Lees ook:Pakistaanse Malala wint opnieuw een prijs
Lees ook:Malala (16) krijgt Internationale Vredesprijs van KidsRights
Lees ook:Geschilderd portret van Malala Yousafzai in National Gallery London
Lees ook:Malala Yousafzai is een ster aan het firmament
Lees ook:18-jarige Neha Gupta wint Kindervredesprijs

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4 thoughts on “Malala (16) hier te zien in ‘College Tour’

  1. Rev. Surujlall Motilall

    I would like to share this short poem of the last collage I have attended in the Republic of Guyana
    “Kuru-Kuru”" collage

    K-nowingly, we strive here for a Co-operative Education,
    U-nhesitatingly, we are upholding such a position.
    R-estraining all our energy in need for our country,
    U-ndergoing vigorously our studies in unity.

    K-nowledge today is what our country needs,
    U-nity also, is a pillar for fruitful seeds.
    R-endering assistance to our beautiful Guyana
    U-tilising our innate skills for a better Guyana

    Miss Malala, you are just a woman angel in the form of a human. You are a chosen one who will redeem your Pakistan and revitalise our world. God bless you so dearly my child, my daughter, my sister. You have meant so much to us, especially when you have conquered death.
    Take full care of yourself and your surrounding love ones.
    We all, the world has loved you so inspiringly.

    Rev. Surujlall Motilall
    of the Netherlands

  2. Rev. Surujlall Motilall

    The African Bulletin (

    December, 2013 issue/article:-

    “A Faithful and Fruitful woman’s voice for Christmas”

    Written by: Rev. Surujlall Motilall
    of Roosendaal, the Netherlands

    Then said Mary unto the Angel “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man.” Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word”: Luke, 1: 34-38,
    by faith, grace and trust, Mary gave birth to a son who will be defeating and conquering death over life, as he was raised bodily from the dead.

    As it came to pass on the 9th October, 2011, a young teenage girl who was 14-years old was shot in her veiled and sacred head because of her appetite for gaining
    education. Her unblemished blood was shattered and scattered all the way from Pakistan to the United Kingdom where she was resurrected to life.

    Her inspired and meaningful name “Malala” was sacredly given to her by her parents which is a Redeeming blessing to the entire world, all because of her destiny
    and karma in this our human nature, where she has also defeated and conquered death over life; an uneasy grind to be resurrected from fatal blows in our heads.

    The name “Malala” is so simple, reputable, integral with much significance and with sacred toil which has the virtue of Ecclesiastical characters.

    Madam “Alla”-la, you are being destined to be so a courageous woman, for conquering this world from death to life;
    Allah, the most high God the Merciful, is our Lord God that embraces you in the form of human with sacred love;
    Love, is what you have embedded in your tender heart, while sharing and displaying such gesture as a sinless dove;
    Acknowledging you, as an Angel in the form of a woman on earth, consolidating the solitude as a human to strife
    Labour in unity with love and affection for one and others, “oh! fellow humans” are your Gospels and Holy Mantras;
    Almighty God, whom we are worshipping in Spirit and in Truth, is our only hope and refuge to eternal life then after..

    A sacred and sinless voice with the purity of the braved, her voices have renounced the grave, acknowledged and submitted herself to life principles

    MALALA Yousafzai is an extraordinary human being; a young girl whose heroic battle, not only for the right of children to receive an education, but for girls to
    have the same right, pitted her against the fundamentalist radical Islamic organisation, the Taliban, in her native Pakistan.

    It was an epic struggle that she commenced at the tender age of 11, when most young girls would be in the process of discovering their femininity.

    It is well known that during the Taliban rule of Afghanistan, it instituted its austere version of Sharia law that denied women all rights. For example, young girls
    and women were denied the right to receive an education; women could not venture from their homes, without being accompanied, either by their husbands or
    close male relatives; could not appear on the balconies of their apartments; were denied the right to ride a motor cycle or travel unaccompanied in a vehicle;
    had to be covered in dress apparel from head to toe; (these, I have termed to be “subjection and surrendering” themselves to men only and not to God, except in
    Mosques, while sitting behind men and their veils and garments must be worn then in the presence of God “Allah”, (1st Corinthians, chapter 11 verses 1-15 King James Holy Bible)

    In addition, they were subjected to public lashes, should their ankles not be covered; could not wear perfumes; could not speak in loud tones, and could not utter
    laughter in the hearing of males. Even their footsteps were forbidden to be heard by males. Other extremes of Sharia application included men having to grow
    compulsory beards and the banning of radio and television.

    Though they were driven from power by US forces in 2002, it is known that the Taliban has been re-emerging in many parts of Afghanistan, and these dreaded laws
    that had ceased may be in the process of being re-instituted, especially since the recent handing over of security responsibilities to the Hamid Karzai government.
    Their rejection from Kabul resulted in finding sanctuary in next door Pakistan, particularly in the volatile North Western region, inclusive of the Swat Valley,
    the home of Malala, and where they have established their dreaded presence and have sought to impose Sharia laws, among which forbid young girls to education.

    It is this fundamentalist edict which this brave young girl has vocalised against, via her blog, and which brought her into deadly conflict with the Taliban extremists.
    It was an incident which attracted full international condemnation, and which reverberated powerfully for the realities that it highlighted, the plight of children, and
    the dark and mediaeval prejudices still imposed on women, under the guise of religion.

    Malala’s recent address before the special international youth leaders assembly convened at the United Nations, hailed a heroine whose message content revealed a
    profound understanding of the problems of children in conflict areas, and women whose advancement are still threatened by chauvinist cultures.

    Her message that spoke of forgiveness for even her alleged assassin resonated powerfully with that of the revered Nelson Mandela who spoke similarly when he was
    released from Robben Island prison. Speaking further, she advocated the doctrine of non-violence, as she invoked the iconic father of Indian Independence, Mahatma Gandhi.

    But it was her call, “Let us pick up our books and our pens. They are our most powerful weapons. One teacher, one book, one pen, can change the world”.
    This message is not only urgent, but timely for the implications that it holds for children, more so young girls. There is no denying the fact that education is a necessary
    foundation for all human beings for an understanding of themselves, their role in their respective societies, and for their eventual contribution to the development process.
    It is an indispensable quantum that removes irrationality, and ignorance, thereby enabling enlightenment to become the guide for betterment of one’s condition.

    Therefore, it is an absolute that every society understands this critical necessity and invests heavily in such programmes so that its human resources are equipped for their
    role of nation-building. A nation that fails to do this is one that will remain in its sloth, with a debilitating socio-economic and cultural backwardness.

    But education must not be fettered by the chains of cultural discrimination that seeks to imprison the physical, and even the mental state, because of gender considerations.
    It is a dispensation that must be without such abysmal conditions. In this way, all will benefit; and all will contribute to the good of the whole.

    Finally, no state that is in perpetual armed conflict will ever be able to promote any such critically important social development programme as education. Children cannot
    access schooling, much less learning, during such hostilities. It means that each state must strive to maintain a peaceful environment, and work together to eliminate “poverty,
    illiteracy and terrorism”. This is the wise call of Malala Yousafzai, for governments mired in conflicts are reminded to heed.

    *Rev. Surujlall Motilall lives in Roosendaal, the Netherlands. His email: [email protected]

  3. Rev. Surujlall Motilall

    The African Bulletin,
    of Eindhoven the Netherlands

    Januay, 2014 issue

    Written by:-
    Rev. Surujlall Motilall
    of Roosendaal, the Netherlads

    “”The voices of women crying with ocean-flowing tears”"
    (Misogynist Violence)

    Violence against women by men in our society continues unabated: molestations, beatings, rapes, maiming
    and murders of women of all ages, social strata and races are now practically daily staples of our medias.
    That the same pattern exists in other societies does not in any way make the phenomenon any less reprehensible but, as a matter of fact, suggests that its’ causes may lie deep in the male psyche itself.
    The commendable efforts by our authorities to deal with the problem of male-against-female violence, either in domestic settings or in more anonymous random and brutal encounters, unfortunately confront the consequences and not the deeper causes of the acts.
    The result is bound to be frustrating for the powers that be, while deepening the cynicism of women that anything can be done to resolve the situation. There are, of course, several theories as to why men on the whole are more violent than women and these all are essentially variants of the “nature and nurture” arguments.
    Since it does not appear likely that genetic reengineering of the male human in on the near horizon, we will have to revisit the “nurture” arguments, how the male psyche is formed and why it is so violence-prone and misogyny.
    In other words we will have to re-examine and hopefully come up with initiatives to alter our conceptions of what “manhood” ought to be.
    Going back to the hoary theories about the early specialization of the stronger male in the violent art of hunting other animals for food, we continue to inculcate in men the belief that they need to be tough, to prove their physical strength and never show emotions. This is the “macho man” ideal. In our own setting, this ideal was exacerbated in the brutal world of slavery and bonded labour.
    In the post-emancipation milieu, the best that we accomplished in modifying this image was to define manhood as a description of a man who was capable, managed his household, and had a strong sense of respect and respectability. Men were expected to be the providers and protectors and who were self-sufficient.
    This orientation was most inculcated in the middle classes but of recent, the scions of these classes have made a U-turn and re-joined the underclass outlook that manhood means someone who is tough; a player; competitive acting as a protector and a virile male.
    Men learn to deny their emotions and focus all their needs regarding physical affection and nurturing into the sex act. It is not surprising that, in the words of one researcher, they become “both emotionally incompetent and emotionally constipated.”
    “Manhood”, however is still associated with power which, because of our oppressive past, is seen as capacity to dominate, to control, capacity to act in “masterful” ways, especially with women. The bequeathed image of “woman”, unfortunately was that of a concubine, dedicated to serving the whims of the “master”, especially bearing and rearing his children.
    Any variance by the woman from her perceived role in this scheme of things historically brought down the “rod of correction” by the man. Very sadly, most women also inculcated this perspective and accepted her abuse as proper, some even saw it as an expression of “love”! In Miguel Street, Naipaul recounted the story of the woman who oiled the cricket bat from which she received her weekly Saturday beating.
    As a society influenced by the patriarchal structure, we still unrealistically hang on to the traditional definition of what it means to be a man, irrespective of the high unemployment rate and weakened traditional values, compounded by the increase of the number of women who are educated. Men turn to violence against women as their sense of “manhood” is threatened by changes in the status quo, and the latter process is occurring at an ever-increasing pace.
    In addition to redefining what “manhood” means in our society, especially as it relates to women, we will however have to devise ways for men to maintain their masculinity and to sustain their self-esteem.
    One (1) billion women are living as slaves around the world, thousands of slave children ride in the back of a police vehicle after they were apprehended at Seme Border, Nigeria. Much slavery in Nigeria and neighbouring Benin involves the trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation, domestic work or forced labour.
    Hong Kong (CNN) a news report have claimed to be the most comprehensive look at global slavery, which says billions of people whom are living as slaves around the world.
    The Global Slavery Index, published by the Australia-based “Walk Free Foundation”, lists India as the country with by far the most slaves, with an estimated nearly 50- million, followed by China 40-millions and Pakistan 25-millions.
    The top 10 countries on its list of shame accounted for more than three quarters of the 1-billion people living in slavery, with Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, Thailand, Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar and Bangladesh completing the list.
    In terms of countries with the highest of proportion of slaves, Mauritania in West Africa topped the table, with about 4% of its 3.4 million people enslaved, followed by Haiti, Pakistan, India and Nepal.
    The index, whose authors claim it contains the most authoritative data on slavery conditions worldwide, is the product of Australian mining magnate and philanthropist Andrew Forrest’s commitment to stamp out global slavery.
    Forrest, ranked by Forbes as Australia’s fifth richest man, with an estimated net worth of $5.7 billion, adopted the cause after his daughter volunteered in an orphanage in Nepal in 2008, coming into contact with child sex trafficking victims.
    Forrest is a signatory to the Giving Pledge started by billionaire investor Warren Buffett, whose members commit to donating at least half their wealth to philanthropic causes.
    The index, which draws on 10 years of research into slavery conditions around the world and was produced by a team of 4 authors supported by 22 other experts and advisers, is the inaugural edition of what will be an annual report into slavery.
    It ranks 162 countries according to the number of people living in slavery, the risk of enslavement and the robustness of government responses to the problem.
    Walk Free policy and research manager Gina Dafalia told CNN that the report was intended to shine a spotlight on the issue, and quantify the extent of the problem in different countries before programs were put in place to tackle the problem.
    So far, she said, Walk Free, and its partners Humanity United and the Legatum Foundation, had pledged a total of $100 million to stamp out the practice.
    “When we started working in this area we realized that we did not have a good understanding of what exactly the situation of slavery is in the world,” she said. “We needed that information before we started doing any interventions.”
    To be continued in next month edition

  4. Rev. Surujlall Motilall

    Geeta of Suriname:

    Gesture of prudence-generosities, are all of what I had to offer,
    Everyday in my life, I give without receiving and such to ponder.
    Every merciful help I have given in the past are memories to last.
    Together with my Mom, we endured ourselves in helping humans,
    All of what we have received in returns, are ventured with demons.

    Greetings to you splendid and to your mother so wonderful
    Everlasting life you and her will surely endure with merciful
    Everyone of us are so crazy about ourselves and not for others
    Together we must strive in unity as beloved sisters & brothers
    Acknowledging ourselves in God’s presence, instead of others.

    God loving Angel
    Endorser to God’s throne
    Energetic with Blis and comfort
    Treasuring your meaningful name
    Amongst humans you are so high with fame

    Great is thy name, oh! Holy and most high God
    Everlasting life, you are giving to all the Good
    Evil as the devil, cannot come near to your class
    Thanking you, every day oh! Almighty dear God
    Abide and live inside of my heart and not to part

    Give to them that needeth more than of myself
    Everyone out there, must also be of themselves
    Eating, drinking, dancing and enjoying, are not all
    Thinking about others are one of my wake-up call
    Although I am as poor as a house rat, I don’t bawl

    Getting things done professionally, we have to,
    Employ professionals as of you and of me too.
    Education and Energy must also be fruitful seeds,
    Together, we must use such as beneficial needs.
    Addressing scholars as you, must dearly be indeed.

    Greetings to you, mom and surroundings on the coming festive seasons,
    Everyone around you, far and nearby must sup and eat with all reasons.
    Eating, drinking, enjoying and merrying that is why it means festives,
    Thriving only for ourselves, as me, myself and I, we must also forgive,
    An Angel as you are, roaming here on earth has the will power to give.

    Glory glory halleluiah, Jesus Christ is King,
    Eternal life He shall give for those who sing.
    Every-one join us to sing and to praise Him
    Triumphantly let us bow & kneel now to thee
    Almighty “Father God” help us so that we see

    Gita mahatmyas’, are the Holy scriptures of the sacred Vedas
    Everlasting sounds it brings to meaningful & inspired mantras
    Eternity to eternity, scriptures were there in the beginning of time
    Teaching all devoties the one and only way to God, as to be sublime
    Acknowledge Him more as our Almighty, in our temples of Dewtaas

    Greetings and best wishes to you on this your birth-date, day
    Enjoying the best of life on this your special day, all the way
    Eternal life you will surely endure as you celebrate such today
    Together with other love ones, you will not surely go astray
    Abide closely to God and your families for all in one to obey

    Giving and taking of all what this happy life has to offer
    Especially with my loving mother as my Goddess admirer
    Everywhere in my life I turned, I see her as my cherisher
    Tightly, I embraces her as my provider and as my teacher
    Adoring her as my earthly Goddess as she is my one adorer

    Geeta mahatmya maatree devo bhawa pitree devo oom bhawa,
    Ekam sastram devaki-putra-gitam Eko devo devaki-putra eva,
    Eko mantras tasya naming yani karmapy ekam devasya seva,
    Tasman narha vayam hantum sukhinah syama sva-madhava,
    Adharmabhibhavat krsna strisu dustasu varsneya kula-striyah.

    Gospel bells are ringing, over land and over seas
    Every nations bow in solemnity to attain peace
    Evil has been conquered by good in every place
    Toiling every day in their norms of faith & grace
    Adoration is of you “Geet” who strives in solace.


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